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The wind blows in Yangjiang, and the steel factory stops again? Is there any positive support for the stainless steel market?

Shandong Hongyuan Metal Materials Co., Ltd Hits:4 Date:2021/11/12 16:40:42【Big Medium Small

Last night, the peripheral markets were weak, with the US stock index falling 0.31%, the Nasdaq index falling 0.6%, and the S&P 500 index falling 0.35%; US crude oil futures rose 3.22%; Youselen copper fell by 0.97%; Lunni fell $155 to $19445 per ton, while stainless steel futures contract 2112 fell $190 to $17845 per ton.

In early trading today, stainless steel futures suddenly turned red. The market believes that this can be attributed to the news that "GQ, which has only resumed production for a few days, has stopped production again", which was hotly discussed in the morning market.

It is understood that the steel plant, which has been rumored crazily in the market, has confirmed that all steelmaking has been suspended today. As for the reasons for the shutdown and how long it will last, there are also many opinions.

Some even believe that it may be due to the current unfavorable market situation, intentionally releasing and amplifying the impact in order to stabilize market confidence. But the greater possibility is that it tends to just pause, and the recovery time will be faster. Following the spread of similar claims, it can be seen that the futures market has returned to green again.

At the same time, the spot market in Foshan in the early trading showed no signs of price increase. By 10:09, the mainstream spot prices for Delong and Beigang 304 cold rolling in the market were between 18700 to 18900 yuan/ton.

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