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Why is industrial aluminum profiles also called assembly line aluminum profiles

Shandong Hongyuan Metal Materials Co., Ltd Hits:25 Date:2022/3/3 15:33:52【Big Medium Small

When it comes to industrial aluminum profiles, I believe Baidu's search is full of its introduction, covering everything from materials, extrusion production to application fields. Today, I would like to talk to you about why industrial aluminum profiles are also called assembly line aluminum profiles? Firstly, everyone should know that assembly lines are assembly lines, which are industrial production methods. To meet production needs, save costs, and achieve a certain degree of automated production process. It can be roughly divided into seven types of assembly lines: belt assembly line, plate chain line, double speed chain, plug-in line, mesh belt line, suspension line, and drum assembly line. So why are industrial aluminum profiles often referred to as assembly line aluminum profiles? In fact, this is still an extension of the use of industrial aluminum profiles, which are usually used in the construction of the main framework of assembly line equipment. For example, it can be made into industrial aluminum profile workbenches, double speed chains, and support racks for assembly line conveyor lines. 1、 The influence of casting rod quality is an important factor affecting the surface and extrusion forming of aluminum profiles for heat dissipation fins& ldquo; Adsorbed particles; The cause of formation is closely related to the quality of the casting rod. The common structural defects of cast rods include slag inclusion, looseness, coarse grain size, segregation, bright grain size, etc. All of these cast rod defects have a common feature, which is poor welding with the cast rod substrate, resulting in discontinuous flow of the substrate, which is the formation of; Adsorbed particles; Important factors. 2、 Influence of die In extrusion production, the die works under high temperature and pressure, which will produce elastic deformation. The working strip of the mold starts parallel to the extrusion direction, and after being subjected to pressure, the working strip deforms into a trumpet shaped shape. Only the blade part of the working strip contacts the adhesive aluminum formed by the aluminum profile of the heat dissipation fin, similar to the tool chip lump of the turning tool. During the formation process of aluminum bonding, particles are constantly carried out by the heat dissipation fin aluminum profile, adhering to the surface of the profile, resulting in; Adsorbed particles;. 3、 The influence of extrusion process is also affected by the correct selection of extrusion process parameters; Adsorbed particles; Important factors. The extrusion temperature is too high and the extrusion speed is too fast; Adsorbed particles; The more, the reason is that due to high temperature and speed, the flow speed of the profile increases, the degree of mold deformation increases, the flow of metal accelerates, and the deformation resistance of metal is relatively weakened, making it easier to form aluminum adhesion phenomenon& ldquo; Adsorbed particles; The main influencing factors are the casting rod, mold, and extrusion process, and the operational level of the operators is also reflected in these three elements. Based on production practice, continuous analysis of problems and summary of experience can reduce or avoid the problem; Adsorbed particles;, Greatly improve the yield and production efficiency of aluminum profiles for heat dissipation fins.

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Main business: Aluminum flat tube, aluminum round tube, cooling oil pipe, microchannel flat tube, harmonica tube